choosing decorative stitches

The serendipity stitch is a versatile canvas embroidery stitch that you can use to create a variety of effects on your needlepoint projects.

All About The Serendipity Stitch

By Ellen Johnson / May 26, 2024

Ready to explore another terrific stitch you can use on your needlepoint projects? Terrific! Today, we’re taking a closer look at the serendipity stitch… Ellen Johnson

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I used a variation of the Byzantine Scotch stitch for the scarf on this cute canvas by Pepperberry Designs.

All About The Byzantine Stitch

By Ellen Johnson / November 6, 2022

The Byzantine stitch is one of the first canvas embroidery stitches that I learned. It’s one of the most versatile stitch patterns of all – and you’ll find a LOT of variations of it in your stitch books. In fact, that’s a variation of the Byzantine Scotch stitch on Jingle’s scarf in the picture above. … Read more

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4 Needlepoint Myths and How to Avoid Them

By Ellen Johnson / October 9, 2022

If you’ve ever worked a needlepoint canvas using a professional stitch guide, you know the difference that decorative stitches and fancy threads can make in your finished project. The added texture and sparkle bring a flat 2-dimensional design to life and transform a plain needlepoint canvas into a hand-stitched work of art. Maybe you’ve even … Read more

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