Hi there! I’ve had soooo much fun reading your comments about your favorite kind of embroidery – and who taught you to stitch! Thank you for sharing with me. 🙂
Did you take some time every day this past week to work on one of your projects?
It’s amazing how much you can get done in as little as 30 minutes.
I’m helping with a needlepoint project at my church right now. Our nave was recently updated – we’re getting a new organ and the choir got new chairs, so we’re stitching cushions for them.
Here’s a picture of one in progress…
Anyway, I’ve been trying to get at least a few threads in every day – along with my other projects.
That one small action keeps me moving toward my goal of finishing on schedule.
How about you? What are you working on right now?
(Be sure and tell me in the comments box below. Remember, every time you comment on one of my posts during National Embroidery Month 2018, your name will be entered to win a Rainbow Gallery “Happy Hearts” thread bouquet.)
I’ve been working on new “how-to” stitch videos for The Stitcher’s Club and one of them is all about French knots.
I absolutely adore French knots!
I could sit and make them for hours on end, but some people get tripped up by them. Are you one of those folks?
I shot a short video last week while I was working on samples for those Stitcher’s Club videos and I posted it over on Instagram. Did you see it? It’s also on the Serendipity Facebook page.
After I’d posted that little stitch video, I got this idea…
Since it’s National Embroidery Month, what if I posted a quickie “how-to” stitch video on social media every day for a week? They won’t be like the detailed ones inside The Stitcher’s Club, but they’ll be good enough to help you with a stitch that might be stumping you.
Sound good? YAY!!! Ooooh…this is gonna be oodles of F-U-N!!!
Now, what would you like to see demonstrated? Tell me in the comments box below or …
send me an email. (And, yes – this will be another chance for you to have your name entered into the drawing for the thread bouquet from Rainbow Gallery, so be sure and share your ideas.)
I’ll start things off by re-shooting the video for how to make a French knot.
I’ll include sound this time, so you can follow along with me as I stitch.
I’ll post a new Stitch Snippet “how-to” video every day this week over on the Serendipity Facebook page, based on what you request.
And in one short week, you can learn (or brush up on) seven embroidery stitches!
Use those stitches on your needlepoint or knitting projects, then snap a picture and share it on social media. Be sure and use our special National Embroidery Month hashtag – #serendipitystitcher, so it’s easy to find your photos. I can’t share any details yet, but trust me – it’ll be worth it to post a pic or two. 😉
Join the Serendipity Needleworks Email list, if you want to be sure you don’t miss out on any of the really good stuff, either.
Just click here to sign-up now, then I’ll take care of the rest for you. We have a terrific bunch of folks over there and I’d love to have you join us. The more the merrier!
Well, I guess I’d better get busy on that new French knot video for you.
Until next time, happy stitching!
PS: If you missed last week’s blog post, click here to read it now, so you can catch up on all the latest news about National Embroidery Month.

Am currently working on a cross stitch design by Dimension – Wise owl. Also learning a blanket stitch in embroidery.
Hi Cornelia! Thanks for sharing your current PIP. 🙂 (That’s what I call a project-in-progress.) I’d love to see a picture of it if it’s not too much trouble. You can post it on the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook page. Just click here. Great suggestion on blanket stitch…I’ll add it to the list. Again, thank you for taking the time to write. It’s always a treat to hear from my Serendipity family. 🙂 Have a happy Thursday!
How about a bullion knot? Just don’ Get it consistently. Love this idea????
Great idea, Ellen! 🙂
I’ll add it to my list. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and have a happy weekend!
I love doing French “nots”. I call them that because most of my friends don’t like doing them. I consider myself the FNE. French Not Expert!
I’d like to see you post the turkey stitch or one that looks like a Pom Pom.
Hi Pat! Love your “title”! Thanks for taking the time to write and for sharing your suggestion. I’ll add it to the list. 🙂 Have a happy Thursday!
Ellen 🙂
Turkey work! Or more specifically cutting the loops & trimming so they’re even. Great idea. Really enjoy your tips.
Hi Lin! Thank you for taking the time to write and share your suggestion. I’ll definitely add it to my list. I’m so glad you enjoy hearing from me. It’s a joy to be able to share what I’ve learned through the years. 🙂
Happy Thursday!
Ellen 🙂
Can you please show us how to stitch a Colonial Knot on video, Ellen? Thanks. El ❤️
Hi El!
I’ll definitely add it to my list. Thanks for your suggestion. 🙂
I’m continuing work on one of the world’s oldest WIPs–a Christmas stocking that’s been in the bars for roughly 30(!) years. It was the second canvas I ever bought, long before I was ready for a complicated piece. So, it’s been my own tutorial, and I’m now about 2/3 done. I’m definitely going to finish it this year! I’d love to see a demo of long and short.
Thanks Ellen.
Hi Robin!
Thanks for taking the time to write. Hang in there on that stocking…you’re nearly done! 😉 I’ll add the long and short stitch to my list – great idea! It’s always a treat to hear from my Serendipity family, so the pleasure’s all mine!
Ellen 🙂
I am currently working on an apron & matching pot holders with embrodiery. Have finished one pot holder; working on apron. This is an old project from my stash, came from my husbands retail store a long time ago! Color printed lines on ready to use pot holders & apron. It is a “portable” project.
That sounds like a wonderful project, Shirley! I love those small pieces that you can just “grab and go” when you need something to keep your hands busy – especially while waiting at the doctor’s office, etc. I’d love to see a picture if it’s not too much trouble. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to write and have a very happy weekend!
Ellen 🙂
I love what long & short looks like but can’t do it myself on needlepoint canvas. Also, I echo the request for help with trimming Turkey Work. How short can you trim the edges before you start to worry the stitches will pull out?
Thanks for your help! Kathy
Hi Kathy!
Thank you for writing. 🙂 I’ll be sure and add your requests to my list. Keep an eye on the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook page for new stitch tutorials.
And it’s my pleasure to be able to help.
Ellen 🙂
I am starting a floral piece my son gave me for Christmas. I would like to see a good stitch to use for flower petals.
Enjoy your sharing.
Thanks, Kathleen
Hi Kathleen!
Thank you for writing. 🙂
I’d love to see a picture of your piece so I can make a good suggestion. You can email me a picture at [email protected] or you can post one on the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook page. Just click here to hop over and post one.
Again, thank you for writing and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
All my best,
Ellen 🙂
I would like to see Nobuko stitch in a video. I tried it once with little success for some reason.
Hello there, Berniece! So glad to hear from you. 🙂
I’ll definitely add the Nobuko stitch to my list of stitches to add to the library inside The Stitcher’s Club.
Thank you for sharing with me.
Have a happy Friday!
Ellen 🙂
I am still working on Mr & Mrs for a wedding gift. Having fun with it but want to finish and get back to another WIP that says “Heaven’s the place where all the cats you have ever loved come to greet you”.
Hang in there, Berniece! You’ll be done soon, I’m sure. 🙂 And I LOVE that kitty saying! I’d be itching to get back to it, too. 😉
Thank you for taking the time to write. It’s always a joy to hear from my peeps.;)
Ellen 🙂
I am currently working on a Cardinal in Birdbath.
That sounds lovely, Kathleen! Cardinals are my favorite bird. I’d love to see a picture of your project if it’s not too much trouble. 🙂
In my little group here in florida I am known as the French Knot Lady. I did a door stop brick with an elephant and had over 2,000 french knots. Yes, 2,000.
WOW! That’s amazing, Pat!! I love French knots, too, but I don’t think I’ve ever done a project using that many. 😉
Thank you for sharing with us and have a wonderful Wednesday!!