And So It Begins…
The holidays are right around the corner. There’s no denying it’s holiday season when you see the employees at the grocery store filling displays with candy canes and Christmas cards (on Halloween!).
I know how easy it is to get stressed by all the comings and goings of the holiday season, too. But even if you can’t imagine fitting one more “to-do” on your list, there’s one thing I highly recommend – taking care of yourself.
Something as small as sitting down to stitch a few threads on that ornament can lift your spirit in just a few minutes. (You do have an ornament to stitch as a quick pick-up project, don’t you?!) Or knit a couple of rows on the baby blanket you’re making. Before you know it, you’re humming a happy tune. I can feel the stress melting away with each stitch I take – can’t you?
Make time
Make time for yourself in between the busyness of the next couple of months. That way, you can be more present for special moments with the ones you love. And you’ll create memories that last a lifetime. (Not to mention handmade treasures that your family and friends will cherish for years to come!).
One of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving. We made it into a casual “pot luck” gathering of family and friends at our house. There’s always plenty of smoked turkey, cornbread dressing and sweet potato casserole, corn pudding, and a few other “must-have” treats, including carrot cake and pecan pie. (Oh – and David’s famous Bourbon Slush. It gets the party going!)
After we’ve stuffed ourselves silly, there’s plenty of time for stitching on the porch (or by the fire, if it’s too chilly outside). We have so much fun chatting and stitching and rocking and chatting some more. It’s the way a holiday really should be spent, I think. Don’t you?
Planning Backwards
I know, I know – easier said than done. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season really kicks into high gear after Thanksgiving, but I’ve got your back. The best way to be sure that you don’t over-schedule yourself is to sit down with your calendar now and plan backwards.
How, exactly, do you plan backwards? Simple. Say, for example, you want to have your Christmas tree decorated by December 10. Mark it on your calendar, then make a list of all that has to happen in order for your tree to be decorated by that date. You know, things like clear a spot for the tree, buy the tree (or get it out of the attic), get the boxes of ornaments down, decorate the tree, and put the ornament boxes away. Then, decide how much time each of those things will take and plan backwards. Mark each item on the list with a “to-do” date now so you have the time set aside in your schedule, then stick to your plan.
And, I made a handy dandy tip sheet for you, too. It has some ideas to help you save time, so you can schedule a little TLC for Y-O-U! Click here to get your free copy now.
Share your favorite holiday tips with me in the comment box below. I love hearing from you – and, if you have a special holiday tradition you’d like to tell us about, include that, too. It’s always fun to hear how friends celebrate, and who knows, you may inspire someone to start a new tradition with their family and friends.
Until next time, happy stitching!