Where’d My Needlepoint Mojo Go?

Colorful threads can be inspiring!

Have you lost your needlepoint mojo? It’s one of the biggest challenges that a stitcher struggles with… picking up your needlepoint again. It’s so easy to lose your rhythm – especially at holiday time. There’s always something more pressing to do, like cleaning and decorating the house, or grocery shopping and cooking, or buying and wrapping gifts. Or even visiting with friends and family…

Sometimes, it’s a major life event – like moving into a new home or changing jobs, or the loss of a loved one or, maybe you’re having some health issues.

Whatever the reason you lost your needlepoint mojo…

it can really throw you for a loop. And then, what’s even worse is that it seems harder and harder to get it back. The longer you postpone, the loooonnnger it seems to take. Have you noticed that?

I don’t really know why the problem seems to mushroom the longer you take to deal with it, but this week, I’m going to share three tips for getting your needlepoint mojo back.

Ready to dive in? Terrific!

#1 The more you do, the more you do.

Remember this…the more you do (in needlepoint for sure) the more you do. And unfortunately, the less you do the less you tend to do. In other words, the snowball grows in size as it rolls down the hill. Things tend to grow – and not in your favor.

This is why it’s super important to keep the “habit” of at least going through the motions of stitching… even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

You can break your “no-action” pattern by doing anything – even sorting your threads. That’ll break the pattern of doing n-o-t-h-i-n-g.

It’s better to re-start your pattern – your stitching habit – even it’s just a few quick minutes a day.

#2 Little and Often.

Did you know that you actually learn faster and more efficiently if you do shorter but more frequent intervals of a particular activity? For example, you’ll likely achieve more if you can work for 30 minutes three times a week than if you wait until the weekend when you have 90 minutes to dedicate to your project.

I L-O-V-E knowing this because all I tend to have these days is tiny little chunks of time. And I’m so grateful to know that it actually works in our favor!

So grab 20 minutes and get going!

#3 Don’t Start. Play instead.

When you’re returning to your needlepoint, if it feels hard, make it easy. Talk to your 5-year-old self and invite her to play! Notice what the threads feel like and delight in the array of colors and textures. Get out a doodle canvas and put in some stitches. Begin with no agenda except to entertain yourself.

Finding the wonder in the process of needlepointing is what will lure you back.

Sorting your threads can help you get your needlepoint mojo back!

Sometimes your needlepoint mojo needs a nudge to get it going again.

It happens to all of us!

What are some of the ways you jumpstart your needlepoint mojo? Tell me in the comments below.

I’m getting ready for Thanksgiving, but wishing I was stitching.

Regardless of whether I’m in my studio or not, I always take time on Sunday nights to think about what I’m making or want to be making.

Reading and commenting back with you is part of my day, too.

So thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

Have a great stitching day if you’re able to get to it. (I’m sure hoping you will!)

Sending you lots of love and wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

XOXO!! ❤️

Stitch with a smile!




PS: The Stitcher’s Club is open for enrollment soon… check out the details HERE!

7 thoughts on “Where’d My Needlepoint Mojo Go?”

  1. I’ve always loved color and I’ve come to love textures as well, so playing with threads or fabric helps me get back to working with and on them.

    • I, too, L-O-V-E color, Anne! In fact, I feel like a kid in a candy store when I get to visit a shop with lots of different threads. 😉
      Happy, happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend!

  2. When I have lost my mojo or am tired of a large canvas, I look in my stash for a smaller canvas that is a WIP and stitch it for a few days. Then, I go back to the large canvas. This seems to invigorate me!

    • That’s a terrific idea, Alice! Thank you so much for sharing it. Those big canvases can be daunting sometimes. And thank you so much for sharing the heart pattern with me. It’s lovely!!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!

  3. Someone told me you should have 3 to 4 projects going at the same time. You work for 40 hours (not straight),put it down, work on 2nd project, work 40 hours on it, put it down, work on the 3rd project 40 hours and the same thing with the 4th project. Then when you go back to the first project, it is like a new project and you are excited about it again. I have tried it and it really works!

    • I L-O-V-E this plan, Donna! It’s ingenious!
      Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I’m trying it out for myself, for sure!!!

    • I love your idea of 4 projects going at once! I have 4 going and will now use them to get my mojo going again. Thank you!


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Serendipity Needleworks

Hi, I’m Ellen. A needlepoint teacher and author dedicated to helping motivated but overwhelmed stitchers at every stage find exactly what they need to stitch with confidence. Whether you’re just dipping your toe into the needlepoint world or you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, I’ve fine-tuned a learning experience just for you.

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