The Summer of Needlepoint UFOs…

S.A.B.L.E. is an affliction that lots of needlepointers suffer from and is recognizable by the large numbers of UFOs a stitcher has in her stash.

It’s time to tie up some loose ends (teehee) with my needlepoint, so I’m declaring this the “Summer of UFOs”! No, not flying saucers from outer space… the kind of UFOs that lurk in the back of your craft closet. You know… unfinished objects! 😉


The realization that I’m suffering from a severe case of S.A.B.L.E. really hit home when, last month, I found myself digging through Rubbermaid tub after Rubbermaid tub of needlework paraphernalia in search of a thread that I needed to stitch the background of an ornament.

In case you’re not familiar with the malady, S.A.B.L.E. stands for Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy. And boy-oh-boy do I ever have a humdingerdoozie of a case!

Threads and Canvases and Yarns Galore

You see, I’ve been stitching for 50+ years and, well, let’s just say that my stash has mushroomed – especially since I have new little grands to make things for.

Oh, I’ve “KonMari-ed” my stash plenty of times, but the urge to purge that I’m feeling this time around feels different. I definitely want to finish some of those UFOs tucked away in the nooks and crannies of my studio – especially the ones for Ruth and Thomas. (Thomas doesn’t have that many – yet – but he’s only 3 weeks old. 😉 )

Working on my unfinished needlepoint projects (aka UFOs) for my grands is at the top of my priority list for the summer.

Finishing Up Some of My UFOs…

Throughout June, July, and August, I’ll share some of the projects I’m working on with you here on the blog, as well as a few behind-the-scenes peeks at my progress on clearing the clutter. (WARNING: I have a plentiful supply of knitting yarn – and knitting UFOs – too, so I’ll be sorting through all of that along the way, as well.)

Hopefully, by the end of the summer, I’ll have a well-organized stash filled only with things that bring me joy – and that I actually plan to complete. (I’m sure there’ll be plenty of projects that make the cut. After all, I’m counting on a LOT more years of blissful stitching. 😉 )

Baby Thomas' nursery has an ocean theme, so these darling little sea creatures from Melissa Prince Designs are in the queue.

Organize Your Stash Along With Me

I’ll share some of my favorite tips for organizing your stash, too. And if you want to join me in cleaning out your own needlepoint closet, we’ll make a virtual party of the whole shebang!

If you’d like to share a helpful hint with us, please send it to me HERE. (Be sure and type “Destashing Tip” in the subject line so that it’s easier for Tory and Bobbi Jo to gather them.) And if we use your tip on our social media channels, we’ll enter your name into a drawing that we’ll hold at the end of the summer…squeeee!

Alrighty, my friend, that’s all for now.

I’ll see you here again next week. Until then, happy stitching!

Stitch with a smile!






10 thoughts on “The Summer of Needlepoint UFOs…”

    • Hey, Bonnie, I get it! Maybe you can get it organized this summer. 😉

      PS: Thank you for stopping by for a visit. 🙂

  1. I have also been stitching for 50 yrs. I just organized my needlepoint closet when my husband was out of town for a week. I had not put away any threads away for at least 5 yrs. They were in shopping bags. I now am very organized again, but have 23 cards of white fuzzy stuff + numerous cards of the same color threads. Need to stay on track & put my threads away after each project is finished.

    • I totally understand! That’s my goal, too… because I also have the habit of not putting threads away. 😉
      And WOW on the 23 cards of white Fuzzy Stuff! I know who to call on if I ever need any. 😉
      Have a lovely week and thank you for stopping by for a visit.

  2. Would love to get tips and any recommendations for software to keep track of my ever-growing stash of threads.

  3. I just organized all my stuff! I had projects from over 40 years ago with paternayan Persian wool in little brown paper bags. I bought several project bags and organized each unfinished canvas and threads. I am working on finished a large project.

    • Hi George!
      Isn’t it a grand feeling to be organized?! I love being able to find everything I need in one handy spot when I’m ready to work on a project. Congratulations on taking the time to set yourself up for success. That’s terrific!! Happy stitching…

  4. All the ladies in my immediate family have been needlepointers for years. As each has died, I been the recipient of getting their unfinished projects including yarns. Of course, that’s in addition to my own stash.
    Seriously, i am so overwhelmed with it all,I don’t know where to go, & no one in my family has any interest in receiving the finished projects. Such a waste!!

    • Hi Martha
      As a former shop owner who received lots of requests for help with what to do with the stash of beloved family members who had passed, I used to recommend that they find a local senior citizen that might be interested in receiving the supplies. Another idea is to find a school with an after-school program where the supplies might be put to good use to help spread the love of needlepoint to the next generation. And finally, if you’re a member of a needlepoint or embroidery guild, I’ve known of chapters that hold a “swap meet” or stash sale where members pool their resources to clear out their collective stash, while also raising money for the chapter or a charity.

      I hope this helps.
      All the best,


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Serendipity Needleworks

Hi, I’m Ellen. A needlepoint teacher and author dedicated to helping motivated but overwhelmed stitchers at every stage find exactly what they need to stitch with confidence. Whether you’re just dipping your toe into the needlepoint world or you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, I’ve fine-tuned a learning experience just for you.

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