WOW… What an awesome twenty three days of celebrating needlepoint! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. 🙂
(If you got a late start to Stitch 23 in 23 – or if you’re new to the Serendipity Needleworks family – you can read about week 1 here, week 2 here, and week 3 here. I’m sharing the recap for the last couple of days down below, too. 😉 )
And I want to help you keep the momentum going…
so later this week, I’m teaching a workshop about how to choose the best stitches and threads for your needlepoint projects. You can learn more about it here.
This is one of my all-time favorite things to teach. It brings me so much joy to be able to share what I’ve learned through the years with you.
Things like how to match threads with stitches and which stitches to use for different kinds of design elements so that you can transform your painted canvases into beautiful pieces of needlepoint art.
If that sounds like fun to you, too, I think you’d enjoy my workshop. 🙂
I have to admit that I’ve been so busy celebrating needlepoint with our Stitch 23 in 23 event…
that I nearly forgot about Serendipity Needleworks turning 20 this month! I opened my small needlepoint and embroidery boutique in downtown Tuscaloosa on February 22, 2003.
Here’s a picture of it…
At the time, I thought I knew everything there was to know about needlepoint…
But boy-oh-boy, was I ever wrong! I understand now that I’ll never know everything about our beloved hobby, but I do try my best to continue learning so that I can share more with you. 🙂
And if you want to make 2023 your best needlepoint year ever, you’re definitely going to want to join me for The Confident Needlepointer’s Guide to Choosing Stitches & Threads. I’ll help you unlock the secret to looking at your canvases through the eyes of a needlepoint artist – so that you can create your very own hand stitched masterpieces.
It’s going to be oodles of fun and it’s the next step to being able to make your needlepoint projects look like what you see in your mind’s eye. 😉
Alrighty – back to wrapping up Stitch 23 in 23…
We only had a couple of days of posts last week since day 23 was on Valentine’s Day.
On Monday, February 13th, I shared three mistakes that needlepointers commonly make…
Watch the video below to find out what they are…
Can relate to any of them? Tell me in the comments. 😉
And on Tuesday, February 14th, we celebrated our love of needlepoint by taking a closer look at different needlepoint styles…
Throughout my many years as a needlepoint shop owner and teacher, I’ve noticed that most stitchers fall into one of four categories: Minimalist, Classic, Frou-Frou, and Eclectic. That’s what this video is about, so click that little red button to watch, then…
tell me what your needlepoint style is down below in the comments. 🙂
And finally, at the beginning of Stitch 23 in 23…
I mentioned that prizes would be part of our celebrating needlepoint event.
So, here’s that list of lucky stitchers…
- Jennine Okker Zito
- Debbie Norris Smith
- Kathy Shaffer Worley
- Julia Hopson Bell
- Patricia Ellington Rogers
- Carla Zigaitis
- Debbie Sidoruk
- Mary Paddy
- Brie Martinson
- Lisa Voelkel
Each stitcher will receive a Serendipity Needleworks Stitch Bundle of their choice from the Serendipity Needleworks store – to help them in choosing the best stitches for their needlepoint projects. Congratulations, lovelies!
(NOTE: Names were drawn at random from comments/pictures/posts shared on our social media platforms. If you’re a member of The Stitcher’s Club, be sure to check our private community for a list of the prize winners there.)
Please know that I appreciate each and every one of you for participating. You’re ALL winners in my book! 🙂
Okey dokey – that’s all for now, my friend. Thank you ever so much for stopping by to say hello. It’s always a pleasure to spend time with you. 🙂
Until next week, happy stitching…
PS: Join me for my workshop, The Confident Needlepointer’s Guide to Choosing Stitches & Threads, and keep the momentum going so that you can have your best needlepoint year ever in 2023!
Click here to sign up >>>

Definitely Eclectic
Me, too! 😉
Thank you for all your time and energy you shared with us. Helped me so much. Diane Hess
It’s always a joy, Diane! Thank you for being part of our Serendipity Needleworks family! 🙂
My first video! I am scheduled for the Saturday class. I am apparently a Frou Frou. I like something to sparkle, don’t love to bead but like the look and like something unexpected like a pom or a bell. But I don’t know how to pick stitches and some stitches are not worth all the trouble. My perfect world is to describe how I want each section to look and then someone tells me what thread and stitch will get me that. Looking forward to learning.
So happy to have you as part of our Serendipity Needleworks family, Valerie! 🙂
I’m definitely eclectic in my stitching style!!!! Thank you or giving me a way to identify my stitching😘
Happy to help… and thank you for being part of our Serendipity Needleworks family! 🙂
I have been stitching for years and really enjoyed 23 in 23. I stitch way more than 23 minutes a day. I am definitely Froo Froo. Love using different threads and stitches. I am draw to geometric designs, but even those I fancy up. My latest piece used red velvet for the lips and a gray sparkle for her sun glasses in a diagonal mosaic
I’m so glad you enjoyed our event! It was oodles of fun for me, too. Thank you for joining us… and happy stitching!! 🙂