Hi there!
I’m soooo happy to see you again. Ready to hop aboard the Serendipity Express with me as we revisit beautiful Asheville, North Carolina where mountains and stunning mountain vistas await us?
And here we are! (Gee, that was quick.) 😉
Have you ever been to Asheville? It’s an enchanting little city tucked in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Chock full of historic landmarks, cultural arts, and breathtaking natural beauty, Asheville is the kind of special place that beckons you back again and again.
So, can you guess what we’re gonna explore in Asheville?
Why, mountains, of course! 😉
Choosing the best stitches and threads for the mountains on your needlepoint projects can be a little daunting because there are lots of different kinds of mountains.
Mountains and mountain ranges – like the Blue Ridge Mountains here in Asheville – appear rounded and rolling.
Mountains can be lush with vegetation – heavily forested and brimming with streams and wildflowers. But mountains can also be starkly barren – rocky and treeless, and dotted with lichens.
Whichever type of mountain you have on your needlepoint canvas, there are lots of different stitches and threads that you can use to add texture and color to your masterpiece…
Whaddya’ say we dive in and take a look at one of my favorite stitches for mountains?
A Bargello line pattern is a terrific choice for rolling mountains and mountain ranges.
This particular one is super easy to execute – and it’s also easy peasy to compensate; a great starting place. It’s very versatile and is a terrific choice for beginning stitchers (or if you’ve been away from needlepoint for a while).
The Bargello line pattern in the diagram above is an upright vertical stitch that suggests a wee bit of movement. Use it in medium to large-sized areas on your needlepoint canvases.
I’m using Watercolours to work this needlepoint stitch for mountains.
Watercolours is a hand-dyed divisible Pima cotton thread from the Caron Collection. It comes in oodles of gorgeous colors and each skein holds 10 yards. Since it’s divisible, you can use it on both 13 and 18 mesh needlepoint canvas.
(NOTE: Do not count on this thread being color fast if it gets wet.)
I recommend stranding Watercolours so that it lays smoothly on your canvas.
I’ll share pictures of my stitched sample over in the Serendipity Needleworks Facebook Page and on Instagram, so be sure and check those out. 😉
And that, my friend, brings us to the end of our time in charming Asheville.
It’s been so much fun sharing this needlepoint stitch for mountains with you.
Now, let’s hop on board the Serendipity Express and hit the road to our next Threadventure destination…
exciting Washington, D.C.!
Before you go, be sure and tell me what you think we’ll be exploring in Washington, D.C. (Don’t be shy…I ❤️ hearing from you and I read every single comment!)
Until next time, happy stitching!
PS: If you like this post, please share it with your needlepoint friends. And be sure to sign up for my weekly update, NeedleNotes.