Silk Lamé Plus is a brand new ribbon-type thread from Rainbow Gallery. In fact, the card states that it’s a “needlepoint ribbon”. It’s a delightful blend of silk, rayon, and metallized polyester. The fiber content is 72% silk/18% rayon/10% metallized polyester. There are 36 inaugural (and swoon-worthy!) colors.
Here’s a picture of Silk Lamé Plus…
that the Rainbow Gallery office manager snapped for me. (This is such a new thread that it’s not even on their website yet!)
It stitches up very much like YLI’s Ribbon Floss Shimmer Blend.
Use it “as is” directly off the card and be sure to have your laying tool handy because you’re going to need it. It’s very soft and I like working with it. You may use it on either 13 mesh canvas or 18 mesh canvas.
Each card of Silk Lamé Plus… has 10 yards/9.1 meters. The card says that it is hand washable, but I’d definitely test that claim.
Not sure how to find out if a thread is color fast?
Simply snip off a small piece and wet it completely. Then, lay it down on a white paper towel and let it air dry. After it has dried, remove it from the paper towel. If any color “bled” onto the white paper towel, the thread is not color fast which means that it will run when water is applied to it. So – no wet blocking!!
I’ve only stitched test swatches with Silk Lamé Plus…
Based on my experience with other metallic ribbon threads, though, I believe that Silk Lamé Plus would work very well for stitching all kinds of canvases – from stockings and stand-ups to ornaments and framed pictures. It has a subtle sparkle that is very much like the other Silk Lamé threads.
Cut your pieces no longer than 18 inches and remember to slide the eye of your needle down the length of your thread as you are stitching. This will prevent the eye of the needle from fraying/cutting your ribbon.
Silk Lamé Plus has a wee bit of a tendency to unravel, so treating the ends with either a Thread Zap or Fray Check will prevent some frustration. If using Fray Check, pre-cut your pieces and treat the ends, allowing the pieces to dry completely before you stitch with them.
Below are some stitched samples of Silk Lamé Plus on both 13 and 18 mesh needlepoint canvas…
13 Mesh Canvas
18 Mesh Canvas
Have you tried Silk Lamé Plus yet?
I’d love to hear what you think about it!
Tell me in the comments below – and be sure to check out this week’s episode of Needlepoint TV™ over on our YouTube Channel. 😉

What novelty threads would work on European #14 or #16 canvas? I don’t see those sizes offered in USA so am at a loss to know what to use. Thanks for the help.
Hi Barbara
That’s a great question! The same threads that work for 13 mesh would work on 14 mesh. 16 mesh is a little trickier. Is there a specific effect you’re trying to achieve? I can share better suggestions if I have a few more details. 🙂