the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.

the Blog
An inspiring blog dedicated to helping you unlock your inner needle artist, turn off your doubt, and make the time to create something wonderful with your own two hands.
Setting Yourself Up for Needlepoint Success
Last week, we talked about sorting through all your projects so you could set yourself up for success in 2018. Now, we're in the second week of the year and I'm wondering... Did you get your PIPs sorted? If you...
No More Resolutions For Me…
Have You Heard? This year, I'm not making any New Year's Resolutions. I'm D-O-N-E with that activity - and moving on to a much more rewarding one! Wanna' join me? Great! Let's get started... Instead of Making Resolutions, I'm Challenging...
Unpacking Memories
Christmas is coming... It's cold outside. Really. Cold. (At least for Alabama.) And this early December visit from Old Man Winter has put me in the holiday spirit. Christmas is only a couple of weeks away and our tree is...
Make Time for Y-O-U this Holiday Season
And So It Begins... The holidays are right around the corner. There's no denying it's holiday season when you see the employees at the grocery store filling displays with candy canes and Christmas cards (on Halloween!).Read more
Welcome to Serendipity Needleworks!
Welcome to the new Serendipity Needleworks website! I'm so happy that you're here. Please bookmark this page on the new website so you can visit with me regularly. Let's take a quick tour around the website and I'll share a...
Needlepoint Canvas: A Closer Look
Bet you never thought about needlepoint canvas much... But it can affect your needlepoint project more than you might think. Let's take a peek at the 3 main types of needlepoint canvas that we use most: interlock mono canvas, mono...
Gauge Matters!
Have you ever worked really hard on a project, only to have your hat (or mittens or, even worse, your sweater!) turn out waaaay too big? Or how about making something that ends up being entirely too small?! Well, that's...
Choosing the Right Needle
Last time, we chatted about choosing threads for your canvases so, today, we're going to talk about needlepoint needles. A tapestry needle is the needle of choice for working needlepoint. It's a blunt-tipped hand sewing needle with an elongated eye. The large eye can hold thicker...
Choices, choices!
Congratulations on committing to purchasing the best quality supplies you can afford. Now, it's time to take a look at making the best fiber choices for your projects. Since I want to address knitting/crochet and needlepoint/embroidery, it'll be easier to...
So Many Threads!
So, now that you know how important it is to buy the best quality supplies you can afford, let's chat about choosing the best threads for your needlepoint projects. If you're looking for tips on choosing yarns for knitting and crochet projects, check...
Tips for Organizing Your Stash
A couple of years ago, I became "acquainted" with Marie Kondo and her wonderful book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I read it, cover to cover, rather quickly (it's a relatively short book) and, when I finished it, I...
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